Wand Education
The teaching platform to save you time
![Cover Image](/static/504bea4d78bf28d8e403ee4e98c8869f/wand-education_cover-big_1.webp)
About project
Wand provides access to a growing marketplace of teaching resources. Customise, create and deliver ready-made lessons anytime, anywhere, on any device. Assess and intervene through worksheets with automated marking and reporting to track student progress. Create your own lessons or use an existing one.
Our task was to redesign the existing Wand platform and make it more user-oriented and visually attractive for the end users. Also, we need to create an easy-to-use lesson builder to empower the system and make the lesson store more effective.
The challenging part was architecture restrictions. We need to make small adjustments and find a way to reduce users' effort and the number of missclicks and errors. Also, we need to improve the conversion of the e-commerce side (the lesson store). Lastly, be sure that schools and teachers will be happy with the interface and can use this soft daily.
The redesigned platform provides a modern EdTech solution for all the actors. New Wand aggregates many lessons for schools, and ~3M users around Romania already use it for studying. On the one side, we have one place for creating, managing, and planning lessons. Conversely, teachers can track students' progress, make data-driven solutions, and provide high-quality and interactive classes.
Our services
Web Design, SaaS, Branding
Working time
193 h
Ed-Tech, e-Learning
See Also
SportPlus Fitness App
Fitness, IoT, Healthcare
DGE eLearning platform
EdTech, E-Learning