Portfolio / Wand Education

Wand Education

The teaching platform to save you time

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  • About project

    Wand provides access to a growing marketplace of teaching resources. Customise, create and deliver ready-made lessons anytime, anywhere, on any device. Assess and intervene through worksheets with automated marking and reporting to track student progress. Create your own lessons or use an existing one.

  • Task

    Our task was to redesign the existing Wand platform and make it more user-oriented and visually attractive for the end users. Also, we need to create an easy-to-use lesson builder to empower the system and make the lesson store more effective.

  • Challenge

    The challenging part was architecture restrictions. We need to make small adjustments and find a way to reduce users' effort and the number of missclicks and errors. Also, we need to improve the conversion of the e-commerce side (the lesson store). Lastly, be sure that schools and teachers will be happy with the interface and can use this soft daily.

  • Results

    The redesigned platform provides a modern EdTech solution for all the actors. New Wand aggregates many lessons for schools, and ~3M users around Romania already use it for studying. On the one side, we have one place for creating, managing, and planning lessons. Conversely, teachers can track students' progress, make data-driven solutions, and provide high-quality and interactive classes.


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